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太在乎别人 ; 往往会伤害到自己 ! Add ↘vicky_kiwigirl@hotmail.com

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy Belated Bday !

Arghhh~~what am I doing ahh
mummy 's birthday also 4gt
almost 10 o'clock
mummy tell me
[want use my phone or not ?today my birthday the call line to digi is free.call ur fren king gai larh]
ouchh~~sry yahh'
i really forgot my mum birthday ><
i love you mum . ♥
that night i will never forget
i cant sleep. my mom knock the door
she tell me she cant sleep = =
thn i say i also. thn she trying to sleep
knock the door again
ask me go out and drink milk
i open 'yellow' light and we drink milk together
the atmosphere is specially comfortable
and actually i hate milk
but that time de milk damn sweet d x)
hohoho..thn i go back to my bed
so fast fall to sleep ald..